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88 items found for ""
- Italian language competition - Premio in Classe
Premio in Classe is a national Italian language competition that seeks to promote the Italian language and culture to secondary school students through creating a short film exploring the theme ‘Italian and sustainability’. Further information is available on the attached flyer.
- Are you subscribed to our YouTube channel?
Did you know we also have a YouTube channel? You can subscribe to see our range of videos and playlists, including: statewide staff meeting recordings - Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus implementation, AI tips, interacting in languages, Stage 6 speaking skills, differentiation, purposeful assessment, using short films in the language classroom, using texts in languages, HSC monitoring, cultures of thinking, HPGE in languages, making adjustments for students with disability, effective feedback, blended learning new syllabus 'how-to' videos literacy and numeracy in languages videos Tanken Centre clips language videos - quality online assessment, teaching and learning in the virtual space, strategies and tools for effective online assessment, digital dates with language teachers online games for language learning subject selection and promoting language study clips language ambassadors HSC orals support.
- Online Greek workshop
Sydney Institute of Community Languages Education (SICLE) is hosting a free Greek workshop online. The workshop will focus on using books in the classroom. Workshop title: Enchanting classroom experiences: Get ready to ‘play’ with a book like never before! Date: Saturday 16 September Time: 4:00–5:30 pm Further information and registration details.
- More local network meetings to support new syllabus
The local Language Teacher Networks run by the NSW Department of Education are cross-sectoral - any teacher, regardless of the sector they teach in, is welcome to attend. Check for and enrol in events via MyPL, using the relevant course code and name. Meetings occur in Week 7 or 8 each term. Unless otherwise indicated, this term's meetings will focus on assessment and creating marking guidelines, as a follow-up to the statewide staff meeting on assessment. Upcoming meetings: Mid North Coast, Wednesday 6 September, 9:30 am (Course code NR25838, Event Mid North Coast Term 3 network meeting) Sydney South, Wednesday 6 September, 4 pm (Course code NR25533, Event Sydney South meeting) Illawarra/South Coast, Wednesday 6 September, 8:30 am (Course code NR25838, Event CNI Languages new syllabus planning day) Riverina, Thursday 7 September, 9:30 am (Course code NR25838, Event Riverina Languages Network Meeting) Lower North Coast, Thursday 7 September, 3:30 pm (Course code NR38472, Event Lower North Coast Network Meeting Term 3 2023) Sydney CBD, Thursday 7 September, 4 pm (Course code NR25533, Event Sydney CBD meeting) Queanbeyan, Thursday 14 September, 3:30 pm (Course code NR25533, Event Language Teachers Queanbeyan Term 3 meeting) Sydney South West, Friday 15 September, 9:30 am (Course code NR25838, Event Sydney South West network meeting) Sydney North, Tuesday 19 September, 3:30 pm (Course code NR25533, Event Sydney North meeting) - assessment sharing, including mini task progress checkpoints
- Student-friendly infographics
The Languages and Culture team at the NSW Department of Education has created 2 student-facing infographics for display in your classroom. They summarise the Stages 4 and 5 outcomes and content from the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus, using student-friendly language. The student-facing outcomes infographics can be found under the 'Generic resources' heading on the Planning, programming and assessing languages 7–10 web page. (We have included images here, however the versions on the website are best for downloading and printing.)
- 2023 Workshop of the Australian Association of Teachers of Korean
The will be held at the Korea Education Centre in Sydney on 16 December. The workshop will feature a series of presentations on practical aspects of Korean language teaching. The organising committee welcomes abstract submissions dealing with all aspects of Korean language teaching. Further information about submitting abstracts to present, or attending the workshop can be found on the attached flyer.
- CI Down Under Conference
CI Down Under is holding their 5th language teachers' conference on comprehensible input (CI) over 5 days in January 2024. Enrolment options for 1 day or multiple days are on offer, with early bird rates if you enrol before 1 October. For more details about the conference and presenters please see the attached flyer.
- 8th National Conference of Italian Teachers
Registrations are now open for the 8th National Conference of Italian Teachers in Australia. The conference will be held on Saturday 21 October in Brisbane. Further information about the conference including the program and registration details is available online.
- Assessment and the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus
The Languages and Culture team have shared the recording of their Term 3 statewide staff meeting, which focuses on assessment in the new Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus. The session focused on backward mapping and designing marking guidelines.
- Upcoming network meetings to support new syllabus
The local Language Teacher Networks run by the NSW Department of Education are cross-sectoral - any teacher, regardless of the sector they teach in, is welcome to attend. Check for and enrol in events via MyPL, using the relevant course code and name. Meetings occur in Week 7 or 8 each term. Upcoming meetings: Far North Coast, Wednesday 30 August, 3:30-4:30 pm (course code NR38472 - Far North Coast language teacher network meeting) Illawarra/South Coast, Wednesday 6 September, 8:30 am-3 pm (Course code NR25838 - CNI Languages new syllabus planning day)
- Launch of French resources
Each time the Languages and Culture team at the NSW Department of Education publishes a set of language-specific resources to support the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus, they're running a launch session, designed to: walk you through the new language-specific resource sets for Stages 4 and 5 explore how the resources align with the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus, in terms of content and pedagogy discuss how you can use them in implementing the new syllabus answer questions you may have. The French launch was last week - if you missed it, the recording is now available. The team looks forward to your feedback, ideas and hearing about how you adapt these to your context as you transition to the new syllabus.
- Did you miss the launch of the Stages 4 and 5 Japanese sets?
Last week, the Languages and Culture team at the NSW Department of Education launched their Japanese set of resources to support the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus. It was great to see so many teachers attend and engage with this support. For those who could not attend, or who would like to recap the information covered, attached is the presentation as a PDF and the recording is also available, if you'd like to catch up. The team looks forward to your feedback, ideas and hearing about how you adapt these to your context as you transition to the new syllabus.